Field Scheduling 101 - (May 24)

Field Scheduling 101 - (May 24)
May 24, 2023 (8:00 AM - 4:00 PM) (MDT)
Site managers (superintendents & foremen) are critical to profitability because they ensure that resources are available on time and used efficiently. This course provides the training that few site managers receive – that is, training in how to plan and schedule field activities efficiently.
This one-day workshop covers:
- Planning Principles
- Network Schedules
- Critical Path
- Gantt (Bar) Charts
- Manpower Curves
- Progressing the Work
- Productivity & Performance Factors
- Look-ahead Schedules
Who should attend?
Superintendents, General Foremen, Field Engineers, Project Coordinators, and Project Managers.
Your Presenter:
Phil Perry of Perry Educational Services Ltd has 30 plus years in the Construction Industry, most of which was Project Managing Industrial Projects for General Contractors. He has been teaching Post-Secondary Construction Management Courses for the last ten years for organizations such as the Edmonton Construction Association, Calgary Construction Association, Winnipeg Construction Association, Ontario Roadbuilders Association, University of Alberta Faculty of Extension, and the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology. He has been facilitating Better SuperVision programs since 2009. In his spare time, Phil is a Master Course Facilitator for a National Sports Organization and chaired their National Coaching/Instructional Program for four years. He was the recipient of the 2018 IG Wealth Management Community National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) Coach Developer Award.
This course is eligible for one Gold Seal credit.
Member Pricing : $350.00 + GST
Non Member Pricing : $450.00 + GST
Edmonton, AB Canada