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Supplementaries to CCDC Contracts "Be Afraid" (November 22)

Supplementaries to CCDC Contracts "Be Afraid" (November 22)

November 22, 2022 8:30 AM - November 24, 2022 12:30 PM (MST)


With decades of experience, the project partners (Owner, Consultant, and Contractor) will, from their perspectives, assist you to:

  • Understand WHAT the risks are in CCDC, CCA and provincial standard contracts that have been modified by supplementary conditions
  • Discover WHY these clauses are modified
  • Develop strategies on HOW to address the impact of these clauses
  • Apply what you have learned to determine COSTS associated with these clauses

“Best most informative seminar in a long time.”

“Fantastic way to see contracts from a variety of industry opinions/standpoints

For the first time, we are bringing virtual instructor-led expertise to your office through a team of multi-discipline trainers’, with decades of knowledge, only previously available at conferences. Past conference presentations were focused on a one-way exchange of know-how from the speakers to you. 

This course moves beyond that one-way exchange, allowing you to apply what you have learned. This course is highly interactive!

This course is worth 2 Gold Seal Credits

A team of multi-discipline experts will provide you with exceptional feedback, great insight and actionable strategies.  We look forward to sharing this expertise with you.

Remember when it comes to contracts, it’s not about your own thoughts and assumptions; it’s about what is “written”!

What has caused these changes to industry-standard contract clauses?  Allocation of risk often gets modified in contract clauses based on Project owners or their lawyer’s past experiences. The issue with modifications to contract clauses is the lack of understanding of what the clause means and its associated risks to Project Owners, Consultants, Contractors and other Stakeholders.

If the risk materializes:

  • disputes arise,
  • relationships are damaged,
  • project costs can increase,
  • schedules can be compromised,
  • bidders can jeopardize their businesses and
  • the potential for litigation increases.

BE AWARE:  In the nuances of the prime contract clauses, there are implications to all partners including the Consultants and Subcontractors.


It is recommended that students have some experience in a construction/contract management role and/or have familiarity with contract language, format, and usage. Those with less experience are welcome to attend but may find it hard to absorb and appreciate the material without prior experience or context.

Who Should Attend?

Understanding the impact of non-standard clauses is important for all industry partners!  This workshop is most applicable to mid-management personnel from the following roles/disciplines who are familiar with standard contract clauses.

  • General Contractors and Subcontractors:
    • Construction Company Owners/Managers
    • Project Managers
    • Commercial Managers
    • Estimators
    • Business Development Managers
  • Project Owners
  • Third-party Project Managers (for the Project Owner)
  • Architects and Engineers
  • Bonding and Insurance specialists
  • Lawyers
This course is delivered in partnership between your local construction association and other associations throughout Western Canada. You’ll be participating in a cohort with industry peers from across these regions.


  • Live, Online, Instructor-led training, with a maximum class size of 20 students.
  • This workshop is facilitated on the Zoom platform. Access information from the instructor will be provided to you in advance of the orientation and training.
  • Orientation Session (30 minutes)
  • Three (3) morning sessions (3 ½ hours each) over 3 days – 8:30am – 12:30 pm
  • Attendance and participation in all three workshop sessions are mandatory for workshop completion. *Please note that If a student misses a class session, we are unable to transfer a registration or provide a partial refund of the registration fees.

This workshop requires full face-to-face interaction and participation from both the instructor and students. In order to attend, you must make sure you have the following:

    1. Computer or laptop with webcam (webcams are mandatory): This workshop will involve 100% on-screen interaction with your instructor and classmates, reading/viewing on-screen content like slides or videos, and interacting via typing with questions or responses. For this reason, you must have a webcam and use a full computer/laptop, and we do not permit students to attend using a tablet or cell phone.
    2. A quiet space with minimal distractions: Please plan to be fully engaged in the class, and clear your work schedule just as you would for attendance in an in-class program.
    3. Group attendance via one paid registration is not permitted. Every person able to see, hear and observe the virtual course sessions must be a paid participant.
    4. Use of virtual backgrounds is not permitted.


Member Pricing: $649.00 + GST

Non-Member Pricing: $849.00 + GST

Online with Zoom

Edmonton, AB Canada
Event Contact
Brittaney Down
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November 22, 2022 8:30 AM - November 24, 2022 12:30 PM (MST)

Part 1 - November 22, 2022 8:30am - 12:30pm MST
Part 2 - November 23, 2022 8:30am - 12:30pm MST
Part 3 - November 24, 2022 8:30am - 12:30pm MST

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